Ralph Richey
IoPT Facititator
Helping You Overcome Trauma
Overcoming Trauma
Common symptoms of unresolved trauma
Fear & Panic
When we feel fearful without a concrete reason, the cause is often a hidden trauma.
The underlying trauma can be triggered unconciously, causing us to over-react to a situation which has parallels to the underlying trauma. This happens without our being aware.
Self Value
Our earliest relationship is the relationship with our mother. Already in the womb we experience mother's feelings directly on a physical level. Unconciously many of us still carry the trauma we suffered then.
It is difficult to have a positive sense of self, if our mother did not have this sense.
Often traumatic events happened so early, that we retain no concious memory of them. But our bodies do remember on a physical level.
Through IoPT work it is possible to recognize the original trauma and this helps reduce depression.
When people react overly agressivly and when this aggression remains elevated over a longer period of time, is this often due to a hidden trauma during childhood. With IoPT it is possible to discover the trauma, to reduce the aggressive feelings and strengthen the healthy I.
Often we can see that we overract to stress in our daily lives.The amount of stress grows and grows.
By working with IoPT it is possible to discover the hidden trauma which is being triggered. This strengthens our healthy I and enables us to react normally in stress situations.
What is IoPT?
The identity-oriented psychotrauma theory and therapy (IoPT) was developed by Prof. Franz Ruppert.
Each of us has experienced trauma. Trauma causes us to split our selves in order to survive. After a trauma our psyche is divided into three parts: a healthy I, a traumatised I and a survival I. The trauma is hidden from our conciousness and the survival I does anything to keep the trauma hidden.
By using the IoPT self-encouter method it is possible to bring the hidden trauma into conciousness. By realising and accepting our trauma we are able to approach the split off parts of our psyche and to strengthen our healthy I.
What does an IoPT self encounter look like?
First you formulate an intention. Usually this is a short sentence, like"I want to be happy." This intention is then written out and the individual parts of the sentence are written on post-its. If the sentence has more than three words, you decide yourself how you wish to divide the sentence into three parts. ( I- want- to be happy or I-want to- be happy: etc. You then choose a representative or resonator for each element. These representatives then allow themselves to resonate with their element. You then are able to ask the representatives what they are feeling etc. Through their answers you are able to see a clearer picture of your own psyche.
In individual sessions, the client resonates with their own parts.